Friday 17 May 2019

7 reasons why you should read - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

A friend of mine recommended the awesome movie Kill Bill to me a decade ago. After several discussions and movie dialogue exchanges, his next recommendation was The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (TGWTDT). I will always be grateful for the recommendation. This book follows a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomkvist, who pursues the mystery of a girl who went missing over three decades ago. Lisbeth Salander, a hacker with a dragon tattoo, also gets involved in solving this mystery. What history do they unearth?

I believe that every book I read should expand the limits of my mind a little more and this book was very effective at that. It broke several traditional norms and Lisbeth Salander will always be a superhero in my opinion. Please keep in mind that this book is appropriate for adult readers only. Also due to the length of the book, you may prefer to listen to the audio book. Follow this link to listen to it using the free-trial of Audible

1. Damsel in stress and Knight in shining armour

How many stories have we come across in books and movies where the heroine is under distress, possibly kidnapped by the villain and being tortured? Then enters the hero who slays  the monsters and rescues the maiden.

This popular formula is called the Damsel in stress and Knight in shining armour. In TGWTDT, have no doubt that Lisbeth plays the role of the Knight in shining armour who very effectively rescues both herself and male counterparts from monsters. 

2. Unusual relationships

The whole relationship between the protagonist Mikael and his best friend/colleague/occasional lover Erika is fascinating. There's mention about deep love but not the happy kind that leads to marriage and family. This type of love is rarely written about.

And the way her husband, a true artist reacts to this relationship is so novel. I'm not saying infidelity is acceptable in anyway but the unusual plot line and reactions are lessons on how to think outside the box to any aspiring writer. 

3. Don't judge a book by its cover

On paper Lisbeth is not a capable woman. She's uneducated with developmental problems that meant she needed a guardian in her adulthood, had a weak underweight physical form and lacked social graces.

However in reality she's a wicked clever hacker, a boxer, a rape survivor and simply takes her time to trust people. All of these factors just re-emphasize an old lesson, don't judge a book by its cover. Forcing people to fit into traditional boxes will not work with everyone.

4. Let people be

Lisbeth is an enigma in so many ways. Her history and inherent personality have made her who she is but who is she? She has a tryst with her friend Mimi and also with Mikael. She thinks about her preference in terms of which gender has the lead in being her sexual partner.

And she's totally right on one point. Why do we have to label sexuality? Let people be.

5. Woman gone missing!

Growing up, I've heard stories about women who went missing under odd circumstances like right from their homes or during a family pilgrimage trip. Such stories were always met with pity at the poor women's unfortunate plight.

How can we be sure though? No one considers that such an incident might have been her salvation from an unfortunate daily life. Ponder that.

6. Peek into evil minds

Evil has so many excuses. Unfortunately some people in this world are just wired wrong and this book illustrates a few pathetic excuses that people use to perform and propagate their evil intentions. Normal people do not grasp this by default and the illustrations in this book throw the excuses of an evil mind into sharp relief.

It is not pleasant or easy to digest but I think it is important to peep into the mindset of evil to widen one's perspective. Isn't understanding an important step to then defend against such forces?

7. Leap with caution

Mikael Blomkvist, a leading Swedish journalist falls into a trap. His step by step investigative approach to journalism was already leading him to his goal but when an incredible opportunity comes by, he grabs it and runs with it.  And his mistake works effectively as a cautionary tale, if it looks too good to be true, it probably is.

But further along the story, he takes another bold step that gets him an incredible ally and great success. Taking leaps is important in life but it is equally important to measure the leap beforehand.

Bonus reason - seeing karma in action

Unfortunately the news these days is full of rape incidents and the culture of shaming a rape victim still prevails. I find this logic hard to digest. One person breaks the law and assaults someone. Shouldn't this law breaking criminal be shamed rather than the victim who sadly has been through enough tough times already?

This book illustrates very effectively one approach to shaming the rapist. I will just say that karma is a bitch!

Trilogy and about the author

All of this is just from the first book. The story continues into a trilogy (The Girl who played with Fire and The Girl who kicked the Hornet's nest) as the interesting characters pursue other injustices in the world.

Stieg Larsson, the author, passed away before he could publish this trilogy but his work was found in his possessions and published after his death. You could buy the books separately but this bundle offers more value and I think you will be curious to learn about Lisbeth's past once you finish the first book.

After the author's death, the publisher commissioned author David Lagercrantz to further the series. While these two books are slightly different to the original (as one would expect coming from a ghost author), I still enjoyed following the worlds of Lisbeth Salander and Mikael Blomkvist.


Of course, if you are feeling lazy to read anything at all, you can watch the movie in English starring Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara. Only the first book was made into an English movie. I enjoyed this movie even though the plot was altered a little.

Whichever form of media you prefer, I think this story has to be known to all for the reasons I listed above. 

Leave a comment below once you read/watch this series and tell me what you thought of them. 😀


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